Thursday, April 10, 2008

Project Proposal

For the project of Erie Blvd vs. Westcott Street I'm planning on exploring the effects of Westcott st. on the local community. This should fit well into group project because I will specifically be researching the Westcott St. area. This is one of the major focuses of our group. The community around Westcott is defined by those who live and work in their area. I'll be able to talk to some of the people who work in the bookstores and see if they live locally. These interviews can be directly integrated into our final video project.

This specific community focus will hopefully back up my general opinions that local businesses have a greater impact on the area around them then big business. This is the general opinion of most people that you talk to. Big Business tries to campaign that they are helping the community but I'm going to try to find out whether or not this is actually true.

This specific argument of local communities benefiting from small business is targeted more towards the average American. Big business is easier for many people becasue they have everything in one place. In the busy society that we live in everyone is always running to meet a deadline. It's harder for people to go to several local stores instead of one. But if it could be proven that local businesses stimulate the community than maybe people will take the extra time to go there instead of helping big business run the local stores out.

Community Stimulation

For this topic of Erie vs Westcott I'm kind of interested in the aspect of the effects of these two places on the local communities. While doing some research there was really nothing to be found about Erie Blvd having any kind of effect on community. All that i found when i searched for it was different companies and businesses localed on Erie blvd. Each has their own chain webpage with a little link on directions to their Erie location.

When researching Westcott the first hit I got was actually the Westcott Community Center. The Westcott Community Center organizes and hosts a number of different youth programs and concerts for the community. They also offer job openings and it can be rented for use by many different organizations. They also contribute to the Westcott Street Cultural Fair which is another thing that immediately came up when i search Westcott. This is a one day Fair to celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of the Westcott area. They block off the street from cars and set up a lot of different stages to showcase different parts of the community. People come and sell their homemade crafts and other goods, while performers come and showcase their work. Anyone in the community can volunteer to help plan or run the event. This fair is an indication that a sense of community thrives on Westcott Street.

Big Box Tool Kit

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a huge chain store is coming in to take over your town and you have no way to stop? If so Big Box Tool Kit is for you. On Big Box Tool Kit there is a comprehensive guide to stop big businesses from taking over you town if you are really serious about it. There are three important steps that you need to take in order to make a stand and successfully stop big business.

The first is : Identify opportunities to say NO. The second is:Persuade decision makers to say NO. Last but not least three is: don't stop. Each of these three steps is detailed out with all the material you could ever need to start your own campaign against an invading corporation. There are links to materials you can use to educate your neighbors and other in your community as to why this is such an important cause. Not only does it provide everything you could ever need to get your movement started but it provides a map in which you can see how people all over America are starting similar movements.

Now if you are still skeptical you can check out the case studies that they have researched that support local businesses. It seems as though no matter where you go local businesses contribute more to the local community in terms of money and jobs. Still not enough for you? Then just take a moment to email them or check out the links they provide. They will do anything to help you support your local businesses or help you fidn someone who can.

Friday, April 4, 2008